Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ruptured Abscess Pear Tower

Ruptured Abscess Pear Tower
Oil on Panel
36" x 24"

click for larger image

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Stranger

A painting of mine is featured on the cover of Seattle's free weekly, The Stranger.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ritualistic School of Errors - Sweat Stained Fancy Heaps for First-Rate Ladies

The new CD from my musique concrete/sound/noise/performance project Ritualistic School of Errors is now out on Resipiscent. The packaging includes six panels of artwork. $10...order here.

Here is a preview's one of the more "song" orientated pieces...a waltz!
Ritualistic School of Errors - Pancakes Soaked, Started Bucking

from the Resipiscent website:
"Witness avant-garde maestro Gregory Jacobsen’s fetid funland here rendered in sound. Prepared piano, cranberry sauce, strangled throat, flamenco guitar, a quivery accordion succumbs to squeak toys that feather into operatic soprano as a teetering pipe organ ushers in teutonic chorales. Music this cakey rich can only be the culmination of long, scarily obsessive years. The result, a vaudevillian feverish horror complete with narrative threads that tug at abject fear then unspool in puerile fantasy. If you dare to know where music can go, this is one orgy best entered at home and alone. Contributors include members of Cheer Accident, Black Bear Combo, and Brilliant Pebbles. Six-panel digipak features Jacobsen's wretched paintings!"

Monday, April 6, 2009

Yellow Pile

Yellow Pile
Oil on Panel
24" x 24"

click for larger image

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Greasy Pile

Greasy Pile
Oil on Canvas
12" x 12"

click for larger image